

  1. ABSENCE makes the heart grow fonder.
    Ochii care se vãd rar se iubesc.
    Mai rãrut, mai drãgut.
  1. ABSENCE sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
    Celor ce duc mai mult dorul, le pare mai dulce odorul.
  2. Long ABSENT, soon forgotten.
    Prin depãrtare dragostea se uitã.
    Cf. Out of SIGHT, out of mind.
  3. The ABSENT are always in the wrong.
    Cei ce lipsesc nu capãtã dreptate.
    Sim. He is neither absent without fault, nor present without excuse.
  4. ABUNDANCE, like want, ruins many.
    Bogãtia stricã pe om.
  5. Out of the ABUNDANCE of the heart the mouth speaketh.
    Din prisosul inimii grãieste gura.
    Var. Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.
    Cf. What the HEART thinks, the tongue speaks.
    * Matthew 12, 34 / Matei 12, 34
    * Luke 6, 45 / Luca 6, 45
  6. There is no good ACCORD where every man would be a lord.
    Vai de casa cu multi stãpâni.
    Cf. Where every man is MASTER the world goes to wreck.
  7. There is no ACCOUNTING for tastes.
    Gustul disputã n-are.
    Sim. Everyone as they like best / Tastes differ.
    Cf. Every man to his TASTE.
  8. ACORNS were good till bread was found.
    Bunã si mãmãliga, când ne lipseste pâinea.
    Bunã-i plãcinta, dar dacã nu-i, e bunã si pita.
    Dacã nu e colac e bunã si pâinea.
    Sim. If you have not a capon, feed on onion / They that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eat / Better a mouse (louse) in the pot than no flesh at all.
  9. ACTIONS speak louder than words. 
    Faptele grãiesc mai apãsat decât vorbele.
    Cf. DEEDS, not words.
  10. When ADAM delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?
    Dacã ar fi fost toti bogati, cine ar fi sãpat ogoarele?
  11. If the ADDER could hear, and the blindworm could see, neither man nor beast would ever go free.
    Sã te fereascã Dumnezeu când o face râma ochi, cã-i mai rea decât sarpele.
    Când ar fi dupã corbi, toti caii ar fi morti.
  12. Much ADO about nothing.
    Mult zgomot pentru nimic.
    Sim. Much cry and little wool.
  13. ADVERSITY makes a man wise, not rich.
    Cine pãgubeste se întelepteste.
    Cf. EXPERIENCE is the mother of knowledge / EXPERIENCE is the best teacher / An ounce of PRACTICE is worth a pound of precept.
  14. A woman’s ADVICE is no great thing, but he who won’t take it is a fool.
    Bine este sã ascultsi sfatul unei neveste.
  15. If you wish good ADVICE, consult an old man.
    Cine are bãtrân sã-l vândã si cine n-are sã-l cumpere.
    Cf. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel.
  16. When a thing is done, ADVICE comes too late.
    Sfatul dupã faptã e manta dupã ploaie.
    Cf. When the HOUSE is burned down, you bring water / It is too late to shut the STABLE -DOOR after the horse has bolted / It is easy to be WISE after the event.
  17. For AGE and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day. 
    Cine adunã la tinerete are la bãtrânete.
    Sim. Keep something for him that rides on the white horse / Spare when you’re young and spend when you’re old.
    Cf. Make ample PROVISION for old age / Keep SOMETHING for a rainy day.
  18. Old AGE is sickness of itself.
    Nici o boalã nu-i mai grea ca boala bãtrânetelor.
    Bãtrânetele nu vin singure, ci cu multe nevoi.
    Sim. An old man is a bed full of bones.
  19. A lean AGREEMENT is better than a fat judgement.
    Mai bine o pace (învoialã) strâmbã decât o judecatã dreaptã.
  20. Ill AIR slays sooner than the sword.
    Aerul spurcat viatti-o moleseste; departe de el.
  21. ALMOST and very (well) nigh saves many a lie.
    Când adevãrul lipseste, “asa mi se pare” s-apropie de adevãr.
    Cf. “They say so” is half a LIE.
  22. ALMS never make poor.
    Cel ce dã de milã nu sãrãceste.
    * Proverbs 28, 28 / Pilde 28, 28
  23. When thou doest ALMS, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.
    Sã nu stie mâna stângã ce face (dã) dreapta.
    * Matthew 6, 3 / Matei 6, 3
  24. It is not good that the man should be ALONE. 
    Nu este bine sã fie omul singur.
    Cf. A MAN without a wife is but half a man.
    * Genesis 2, 18 / Facerea 2, 18
  25. Woe to him that is ALONE.
    Vai de cel ce merge singur! cã, când va aluneca, n-are cine-l ridica.
  26. He that serves at the ALTAR ought to live by the altar.
    Cine slujeste altarului din altar mãnâncã.
    Lucrãtorul mãnâncã de unde lucreazã.
  27. He that doth AMISS may do well.
    Cine sparge sticlele, le plãteste.
  28. Men are not ANGELS.
    Om sfânt nu se poate.
    Nu-i nime sfânt pe pãmânt.
    Nimeni nu e usã de bisericã.
    Cf. Every MAN has his faults.
  29. ANGER cannot stand without a strong hand.
    Dacã n-ai putere, nu întãrâta gâlceava.
    Dacã nu ai putere, ce mai atîti sfada?
    Sim. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.
  30. ANGER is a short madness. 
    Omul la mânie cade-n nebunie.
  31. He that is ANGRY is seldom at ease.
    Nemultumitul trãieste nefericit.
  32. He that is ANGRY without a cause shall be pleased without amends.
    În care cãmasã s-a mâniat într-aceea s-a desmânia.
  33. A soft ANSWER turneth away wrath.
    Rãspunsul blând înlãturã mânia.
    Un rãspuns blând domoleste mânia.
    Cf. Good WORDS cool more than cold water. 
    * Proverbs 15, 1 / Pilde 15, 1
  34. The ANVIL fears no blows.
    Nicovanul fricã n-are de ciocan.
  35. When you are an ANVIL, hold you still; when you are a hammer, strike your fill.
    Nicovanul mult rabdã pânã este nicovan; dupã ce ajunge ciocan bate fãrã milã.
    Pânã când esti nicovalã rabdã loviturile, iar când esti ciocan loveste cât poti.
    Cât esti nicovalã suferã, cât esti ciocan loveste.
  36. An APE’s an ape, a varlet’s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
    Maimuta în aur si purpurã tot maimutã rãmâne.
    Cf. An ASS is but an ass, though laden with gold.
  37. APPEARANCES are deceptive.
    Aparentele însalã.
    Var. Appearances are deceiving.
  38. Never judge from APPEARANCES. 
    Adeseori te înseli dacã te iei dupã coaja copacului.
    Nu judecati dupã înfãtisare.
    Cf. Under a ragged COAT lies wisdom.
    * John 7, 24 / Ioan 7, 24
  39. APPETITE comes with eating.
    Pofta vine mâncând.
    Sim. Eating and scratching wants but a beginning.
  40. An APPLE never falls far from the tree.
    Mãrul nu cade departe de pom.
    Cf. A CHIP off the old block.
  41. The rotten APPLE injures its neighbours.
    Mãrul putred stricã si pe cele bune.
    Un mãr putred stricã o grãmadã de mere frumoase.
  42. Sodom APPLES outwardly fair, ashes at the core.
    Merele frumoase pot fi si viermãnoase.
  43. APRIL rains for men; May, for beasts.
    Ploaia din mai face mãlai.
    Dacã nu plouã în mai, nu se mãnâncã mãlai.
    Var. April rains for corn; May, for grass / A dry March, wet April and cool May, fill barn and cellar and bring much hay.
  44. Every man is the ARCHITECT of his own fortune.
    Norocu-i dupã cum si-l face omul.
  45. An ARMY of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag.
    Mai bine oaste de cerbi si comandirul lor un leu, decât oaste de lei si comandirul lor un cerb.
  46. An ARROW shot upright falls on the shooter’s head.
    Cel care aruncã piatrã în sus, peste capul sãu o aruncã.
    Sim. Evil that comes out of thy mouth flieth into thy bosom.
    Cf. Who SPITS against the wind, it falls in his face.
    * Ecclesiasticus 27, 25 / Sirah 27, 25
  47. ART has no enemy but ignorance.
    Învãtãtura datã rãu se sparge în capul tãu.
    Sim. Science has no enemy but the ignorant.
  48. ART improves nature.
    De multe ori ce este scãzut în fire, mestesugul cum se cade plineste.
    Cf. NURTURE passes nature.
  49. ART is long and life is short.
    Omul moare de bãtrân si tot nu le învatã pe toate.
  50. He who has an ART has everywhere a part.
    Ai carte, ai parte.
    Ai carte, ai parte; n-ai carte, n-ai parte.
    Cine are carte are si parte.
    Var. Who has a trade, has a share everywhere.
  51. ASK, and it shall be given you.
    Ceretsi vi se va da.
    * Matthew 7, 7 / Matei 7, 7
  52. He that cannot ASK cannot live.
    Omul cu rusine piere, nimeni nu-i dã pân nu cere.
  53. Nothing is lost for ASKING.
    Întrebarea moarte n-are.
    Cine întreabã de douã ori nu greseste niciodatã.
  54. An ASS endures his burden, but not more than his burden.
    Pe mãgar sã-l încarci dupã a lui putere, dacã nu vrei sã te încarci tu în locul lui.
    Încarcã-ti dobitocul pânã unde e sorocul.
    Sim. It is not the burden, but the overburden that kills the beast.
    Cf. Take no more on you than you’re able to BEAR.
  55. An ASS in a lion’s skin.
    Ca mãgarul îmbrãcat în piele de leu.
  56. An ASS is but an ass, though laden with gold.
    Cât de mult sã împodobesti cu aur si cu argint pe cel mai frumos mãgar, tot mãgar se socoteste.
    Cf. An APE’s an ape, a varlet’s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
  57. An ASS must be tied where the master will have him.
    Leagã calul unde zice stapânul, mãcar lupul sã-l mãnânce.
  58. Better ride on an ASS that carries me than a horse that throws me.
    Mai bine un mãgar care te poartã decât un cal care te trânteste.
  59. Did you ever hear an ASS play on a harp?
    Ce stie mãgarul ce e cântarea privighetoarei.
    Ce are de a face scripca si cu iepurele.
    Sim. A sow to a fiddle.
  60. He that cannot beat the ASS beats the saddle.
    Bate samarul sã priceapã mãgarul.
    Bate saua sã priceapã iapa.
    Var. He that cannot beat the horse beats the saddle.
  61. If an ASS goes a-travelling, he’ll not come home a horse.
    Mãgar s-a dus, mãgar s-a întors.
    S-a dus bou si s-a întors vacã.
    Var. Never went out ass and came home horse.
    Sim. He that sends a fool expects one / Send a fool to the market (far, to France) and a fool he will return again / How much the fool who goes to Rome excels the fool who stays at home.
  62. One ASS scrubs another.
    Mãgar pe mãgar se scarpinã.
    Vacã pe vacã se linge si porc pe porc se scarpinã.
  63. The ASS loaded with gold still eats thistles.
    La fân mai mult decât la aur pofteste mãgarul.
    Mãgarul duce vinul si bea apã.
  64. ‘Tis a sorry ASS that will not bear his own burden.
    Oaia care nu poate sã-stie lâna trebuie tãiatã.
  65. When all men say you are an ASS, it is time to bray.
    Dacã toatã lumea zice cã esti beat, culcã-te.
    Când trei spun cã esti beat, du-te de te culcã.
    Sim. If one, or three tell you, you are an ass, put on a bridle (tail) / What everybody says must be true.
  66. When an ASS kicks you, never tell it.
    Mãgarul când te loveste sã fugi si sã-i multumesti, cã mai câstigat esti.
  67. You go to an ASS for wool.
    A cere lânã de la broascã.
    Sim. Look not for musk in a dog’s kennel.
  68. He that washes an ASS’s head loses both his lye (soap) and his labour.
    Cine spalã capul mãgarului în zadar pierde osteneala si sãpunul.
  69. If my AUNT had been a man, she’d have been my uncle.
    De-ar avea si baba ca oamenii barbã, atunci i-ar zice “ce mai mos de treabã”.


1. BACCHUS hath drowned more men than Neptune.
Mai multi se îneacã în bãuturã decât în apã.

He would fall on his BACK and break his nose.
Cade pe spate si-si frânge nasul.
Sim. An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup.
Nothing so BAD but it might have been worse.
Rãu cu rãu, dar mai rãu fãrã rãu.
Nothing so BAD in which there is not something of good.
La tot rãul este si un bine.
Var. Nothing but is good for something.
Sim. No great loss but some small profit .
Cf. ILL LUCK is good for something.
As you BAKE, so shall you eat.
Cum îti vei gãti, asa vei prânzi.
Var. As they brew, so let them bake.
Cf. As you make your BED, so you must lie on it / As they BREW, so let them drink
Make not a BALK of good ground.
Nu da binelui cu piciorul, cã pe urmã o sã-i duci dorul.
A BARBER learns to shave by shaving fools.
Bãrbierul învatã meseria pe capul prostilor.
BE what you would seem to be.
Cum ti-e chipul te poartã.
Ori te poartã cum ti-e vorba, ori vorbeste cum ti-e portul.
Var. Be what you seem, and seem what you are.
BEADS about the neck and the devil in the heart.
Unde vezi mãtãnii multe, departe, sã nu te muste.
Var. The beads in the hand and the devil in capuch.
Cf. The CROSS on his breast and the devil in his heart.
A BEAN in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.
Pasãrea în colivie nu se bucurã, si de e vie.
Sim. Liberty is more worth than gold / Lean liberty is better than fat slavery.
BEAR and forbear.
Rabdã suflete cât poti, nu-ti da taina cãtre toti.
Rabdã inimã si taci, cã n-ai alta ce sã faci.
Call the BEAR ‘uncle’ till you are safe across the bridge.
Fã-te frate cu dracu pânã treci puntea.
Sai si în spatele dracului pânã vei trece gârla.
Sim. Once on shore, we pray no more./ The river past and God forgotten.
Cf. The DANGER past and God forgotten.
Don’t sell the BEAR’s skin before you have caught him.
Nu vinde pielea ursului înainte de a-l ucide.
Nu vinde pielea ursului din pãdure.
Ursu-i în pãdure si-i vinde pielea în târg.
Sim. Count not four, except you have them in the wallet / Do not halloo till you are out of the wood / Never fry fish till it’s caught.
Cf. Don’t cross the BRIDGE till you come to it / Do not count your CHICKENS before they are hatched / It is not good praising a FORD till a man be over.
Take no more on you than you’re able to BEAR.
Povarã mai grea decât spinarea ta sã nu ridici, ca sã nu te poticnesti.
Cf. An ASS endures his burden, but not more than his burden.
If the BEARD were all, the goat might preach.
Barbã lungã si capra are, dar minte nicicum nu are.
Cf. The BRAINS don’t lie in the beard.
It is not the BEARD that makes the philosopher.
Nu barba îl face pe filozof, filozof.
BEAUTY carries its dower in its face.
Fata frumoasã se mãritã fãrã zestre.
Totdeauna fetisoara mãritã pe fetisoara.
Sim. A fair face is half a portion.
BEAUTY fades like a flower.
Frumusetea la om ca floarea la pom.
Sim. Beauty is but a blossom.
As you make your BED, so you must lie on it.
Cum îti vei face patul, asa vei dormi.
Cum îti vei asterne, asa vei dormi.
Sim. As they brew, so let them bake.
Cf. As you BAKE, so shall you eat / As they BREW, so let them drink.
Better go to BED supperless than to rise in debt.
Cine se culcã flãmând se scoalã fãrã datorii.
Early to BED and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Scoalã-te de dimineatã, dacã vrei sã-ti lungesti viata.
Who goes to BED supperless, all night tumbles and tosses.
Cine se culcã nemâncat codri viseazã.
Flãmândul codri viseazã.
BEES that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.
Albina în gurã tine mierea cea mai dulce, si în coadã acul cel mai otrãvitor.
Better BEG than steal.
Mai bine sã ceri decât sã furi.
The BEGGAR may sing before the thief.
Sãracul nu se teme de tâlhari.
Cel gol trebuintã n-are d-a-si pãzi hainele sale.
Sim. A beggar can never be bankrupt.
Cf. No NAKED man is sought after to be rifled.
A BEGGAR’s purse is bottomless.
Sacul cersetorului n-are fund.
Var. A beggar’s purse is always empty / A beggar’s scrip is never filled.
Better never to BEGIN than never to make an end.
Când te apuci de vreo treabã n-o lãsa fãrã ispravã.
Cine nu poate sãvârsi un lucru, sã nu se apuce de dânsul.
Sim. Let him that beginneth the song make an end.
Good to BEGIN well, better to end well.
Începutul fie cum o fi, sfârsitul sã fie bun.
A bad BEGINNING, a bad ending.
A faptelor rele începãturã spre rãu sfârsit pleacã.
A good BEGINNING makes a good ending.
Care începe bine sfârseste frumos.
Every BEGINNING is hard.
Tot începutul e greu.
Var. All beginnings are hard (difficult).
Cf. It is the first STEP that is difficult.
Well BEGUN is half done.
Lucrul bine început e pe jumãtate fãcut.
Treaba bine începutã e pe jumãtate terminatã.
Sim. The first blow is half the battle.
BELIEVE nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.
Ascultã tot, dar nu crede tot.
We soon BELIEVE what we desire.
Cine ce pofteste lesne crede.
Tot ce cu mare poftã iubim, acela cu mare lesnire credem.
A cracked BELL can never sound well.
Capul cel tâmpit odorogeste ca un butoi dogit.
A BELLY full of gluttony will never study willingly.
Stomacul plin nu-nvatã bucuros.
Burta plinã nu învatã bine.
Sim. Fat paunches have lean pates.
Better BELLY burst than good meat lost.
Decât sã rãmâie brânza, mai bine sã crape rânza.
He whose BELLY is full believes not him who is fasting.
Sãtulul nu crede flãmândului.
Cf. Little knows the FAT man (sow) what the lean does mean.
His BELLY cries cupboard.
Stomacul când chiorãieste la demâncare gândeste.
The BELLY wants ears.
Cel flãmând n-are urechi de ascultat.
Stomacul (Pântecele) gol n-are urechi de ascultat.
Var. Hungry bellies have no ears.
A BELLYFUL is a bellyful, whether it be meat or drink.
Pântecele se umple si cu paie si cu fân.
Better BEND than break.
Îndoaie-te ca trestia si vântul nu te va rupe.
Cf. All that SHAKES falls not.
A good BESTILL is worth a groat.
Vorba multã, sãrãcia omului.
If BETTER were within, better would come out.
Din omul bun, bun lucru iese.
The BETTER-natured, the sooner undone.
Cel mai bun, mai prost.
A BIRD in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Mai bine vrabia în mânã decât cioara-n par.
Nu da vrabia din mânã pe cioara din par.
Mai bine o pasãre în colivie decât zece pe gard.
Mai bine una si-n colivie decât în vânt o mie.
Sim. A feather in hand is better than a bird in the air / Better a fowl in hand nor two flying.
Each BIRD loves to hear himself sing.
Fiecare pasãre pe limba ei piere.
It is an ill BIRD that fouls its own nest.
Urâtã pasãre este aceea care îsi spurcã cuibul sãu.
Such BIRD, such egg.
Rodul dupã sãmântã, ca oul dupã pasãre.
Sim. An evil crow, an evil egg / Like crow, like egg.
The BIRD is known by his note.
Pasãrea dupã glas se cunoaste.
Cf. The BIRD is known by his note, the man by his words.
The BIRD is known by his note, the man by his words.
Pasãrea dupã ce se cunoaste? Dupã cântec. Mojicul dupã ce se cunoaste? Dupã vorbã.
Omul dupã grai, ca clopotul dupã sunet, îndatã se cunoaste.
Dupã glas cunosti pe om si pe dobitoc.
Cf. The BIRD is known by his note.
The BIRD loves her nest.
Fiecare pasãre îsi iubeste cuibul.
Var. Every bird likes his own nest best.
The early BIRD catches the worm.
Cine se scoalã de dimineatã departe ajunge.
Cine pleacã mai de dimineatã ajunge mai-nainte.
Thou art a bitter BIRD, said the raven to the starling.
Râde dracul de porumbel si nu se vede pe el.
Râde dracul de porumbe negre si pe sine nu se vede.
Sim. The kettle calls the pot black-brows (burnt-arse) / The pot calls the kettle black.
Cf. The FRYING-PAN said to the kettle, “Avaunt, black brows!” / The KETTLE calls the pot black-brows (burnt-arse).
BIRDS of a feather flock together.
Cioarã lângã cioarã zboarã.
Cioara lângã cioarã trage, alte pãsãri nu-i sunt drage.
Cine se potriveste, lesne se-nsoteste.
Sim. Likeness causes liking.
Cf. LIKE will to like.
* Ecclesiasticus 27, 9 / Sirah 27, 9
There are no BIRDS of this year in last year’s nests.
Tot un cuc nu ne cântã în toatã vremea.
Nu mai bate vântul care bãtea.
Great BIRTH is a very poor dish at table.
E de neam mare, dar crescut în sãrãcie.
Take the BIT and the buffet with it.
Cine-ncalecã mãgarul sã-i sufere nãravul.
The hasty BITCH brings forth blind whelps.
Cãteaua de pripã îsi naste cãteii fãrã ochi.
Cf. HASTE makes waste / Too HASTY burned his lips.
BLAB is wist and out it must.
Ce-i în gusã, si-n cãpusã.
He that is a BLAB is a scab.
Gurã spartã, râie curatã.
Two BLACKS do not make a white.
Înnegrind pe altul nu te albesti pe tine.
A BLIND man may sometimes hit the mark.
Si gãina oarbã nimereste câte un grãunt.
Si o gãinã chioarã scurmând gãseste câteodatã mãrgãritare.
Sim. A blind man may perchance catch the hare (crow).
A BLIND man will not thank you for a looking-glass.
Ce foloseste orbului fata frumoasã?
Var. A blind man has no need of a looking-glass.
BLIND men should judge no colours.
Nu orbul ci cel cu ochi gândeascã de vopsele.
If the BLIND lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Orbul pe orb povãtuind cad amândoi în groapã (mormânt).
* Matthew 15, 14 / Matei 15, 14
Men are BLIND in their own cause.
Omul poate povãtui pe altul, dar pe sine niciodatã.
There’s none so BLIND as those who will not see.
Nu e mai orb decât cel ce nu vrea sã vadã.
Var. None so blind as those who won’t see.
BLOOD is thicker than water.
Sângele apã nu se face.
Var. Blood is not water.
You cannot get BLOOD from a stone.
A scoate apã (lapte) din piatrã.
Var. You cannot get milk (water) from a stone.
Great BOAST and small roast makes unsavoury mouths.
Fudulia intrã-n casã, sãrãcia dupã usã.
Cioarã mândrã si flãmândã.
A little BODY often harbours a great soul.
Mic la stat, mare la sfat.
Si pitulicea este micã, dar printre pãsãri e voinicã.
If you love the BOLL, you cannot hate branches.
Pentru fragã si frunza ti-e dragã.
The nearer the BONE, the sweeter the flesh.
Carnea de lângã os e cea mai dulce.
What is bred in the BONE will not out of the flesh.
Nãravul din fire n-are lecuire.
Nãravu-nrãdãcinat nu poate fi vindecat.
Sim. Though you cast out nature with a fork, it will still return.
As soon as a man is BORN he begins to die.
Omu-i cu moartea dupã cap.
Sim. It is as natural to die as to be born / Our lives are but our marches to the grave.
Cf. He that is once BORN, once must die.
He that is once BORN, once must die.
Cine vede nasterea vede si moartea.
Ce naste moare.
Sim. It is as natural to die as to be born / Our lives are but our marches to the grave.
Cf. As soon as a man is BORN he begins to die / All that LIVES must die / All MEN are mortal.
The BORROWER is servant to the lender.
Cel ce împrumutã este slujitor celui de la care se împrumutã.
* Proverbs 22, 7 / Pilde 22, 7
He that goes a-BORROWING, goes a-sorrowing.
Fã împrumuturi si te gãteste de supãrãri.
Datoria e plinã de griji.
Cut not the BOUGH that thou standest upon.
A-si tãia singur craca de sub picioare.
Var. Don’t cut the bough you are standing on.
A BOW long bent at last waxes weak.
Nu întinde coarda pre mult, cã se rupe.
Coarda mereu întinsã se rupe.
BOYS will be boys.
Copilul trebuie sã fie copil.
Great BRAGGERS, little doers.
Gurã multã, treabã putinã.
Var. They brag most that can do least.
Sim. Much bruit and little fruit / Great boast and little roast / Much cry and little wool.
Cf. The greatest TALKERS are the least doers / A long TONGUE is a sign of a short hand.
The BRAINS don’t lie in the beard.
Plini de barbã si goi de minte.
Barbã mare, minte n-are.
Cf. If the BEARD were all, the goat might preach.
The BRAYING of an ass does not reach heaven.
Glasul mãgarului nu se aude-n cer.
Lãtrãtura câinelui si zbierãtura mãgarului nu se aud în cer.
Cf. The PRAYERS of the wicked won’t prevail.
Dry BREAD at home is better than roast meat abroad.
Fie pâinea cât de rea tot mai bunã în tara mea.
Fie pâinea cât de bunã nu-i bunã-n tarã strãinã.
Decât în tarã strãinã, cu pitã si cu slãninã, mai bine în satul tãu, cu mãlaiu cât de rãu.
Dry BREAD is better with love than a fat capon with fear.
Mai bine pâine neagrã cu dragoste curatã decât albã ca zãpada si plinã de sudalmã.
Mai bine varzã acrã cu-nvoialã decât zahãr dulce cu cârtealã.
Decât mãmãligã cu unt si sã mã uit în pãmânt, mai bine pâine cu sare si sã mã uit la soare.
Sim. Better an egg in peace than an ox in war.
Eaten BREAD is soon forgotten.
Ceea ce s-a mâncat s-a si uitat.
Sim. When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing.
Man cannot live by BREAD alone.
Nu numai cu pâine va trãi omul.
* Matthew 4, 4 / Matei 4, 4
* Luke 4, 4 / Luca 4, 4
* Deuteronomy 8, 3 / Deuteronomul 8, 3
Keep (Save) your BREATH to cool your broth (porridge).
Nu te bãga unde nu-ti fierbe oala.
One man’s BREATH another’s death.
Moartea unora este viata altora.
Sim. One man’s loss is another man’s gain.
As they BREW, so let them drink.
Cine face gãlusca trebuie s-o si-nghitã.
Precum faci, asa tragi.
Capul face, capul trage.
Cum dumicasi, asa mâncasi.
Sim. As they brew, so let them bake.
Cf. As you BAKE, so shall you eat / As you make your BED, so you must lie on it.
It is meet that a man be at his own BRIDAL.
Cine nu se aflã la nunta-i acasã atunci altu-n locu-i joacã cu mireasa.
Don’t cross the BRIDGE till you come to it.
Nu ridica poalele înainte de a ajunge la gârlã.
Pânã ajungi la pârâu nu-ti ridica poalele.
Sim. Count not four, except you have them in the wallet / Do not halloo till you are out of the wood / Never fry fish till it’s caught.
Cf. Don’t sell the BEAR’s skin before you have caught him / Do not count your CHICKENS before they are hatched / It is not good praising a FORD till a man be over.
A new BROOM sweeps clean.
Mãtura nouã mãturã bine.
Var. New brooms sweep clean.
Good BROTH may be made in an old pot.
Gãina bãtrânã face ciorba (zeama) bunã.
Between two BROTHERS two witness and a notary.
Fratele îti scoate ochii.
BUILDING and marrying of children are great wasters.
Cine si-a mãritat fata si-si clãdeste o casã cunoaste greutãtile vietii.
Sim. Building is a sweet impoverishing.
He who BUILDS by the roadside has many masters.
Cine pe lângã drum zideste multi stãpâni dobândeste.
Sim. A house built by the wayside is either too high or too low.
He bellows like a BULL, but is as weak as a bulrush.
Si broasca e micã, dar gurã mare face.
Every man shall bear his own BURDEN.
Fiecare îsi va purta sarcina sa.
* Galatians 6, 5 / Galateni 6, 5
BUSH natural; more hair than wit.
Coadã lungã, minte scurtã.
Plete lungi si minte scurtã, judecatã mai mãruntã.
Sim. Long hair and short wit.
One beats the BUSH and another catches the birds.
Unul umblã si strãbate si pe alt fericirea-l bate.
Unul cascã gura si altul înghite.
Sim. Little dogs start the hare, the great get her.
Cf. The POOR man turns his cake and another comes and takes it away / One SOWS and another reaps.
BUSINESS is business.
Frate, frate, dar brânza-i pe bani.
Sim. One hand will not wash the other for nothing.
The BUTCHER looked for his knife and it was in his mouth.
Cautã luleaua si el cu ea-n gurã.
Cf. You look for the HORSE you ride on.
They that have got good store of BUTTER may lay it thick on their bread.
Cine are bea si mãnâncã, cine nu, stã si se uitã.
Cine poate oase roade, cine nu nici carne moale.
The BUYER needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one.
Cine deschide ochii dupã ce cumpãrã, cumpãrã totdeauna marfã proastã.
Cine nu deschide ochii deschide punga.
Sim. Let the buyer beware.



1. No PAINS, no gains.
Nimica nu-i fãrã ostenealã.
Totul cu ostenealã se dobândeste, pe drumuri nu se gãseste.
Var. Nothing to be got without pains.
Sim. A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats.
Cf. No SWEET without some sweat / He that will not WORK shall not eat.

PAPER endures all.
Hârtia multe rabdã.
Sim. Paper won’t blush / Pens may blot, but they cannot blush.
He that will enter into PARADISE must have a good key.
Cu chei de aur si de argint se deschid portile raiului.
PARDONING the bad is injuring the good.
Când cei rãi nu se pedepsesc, cei buni se nãpãstuiesc.
Var. Who pardons the bad, injures the good.
Sim. He that helps the evil hurts the good / Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.
The PARSON always christens his own child first.
Fiecare mãturã întâi înaintea portii lui.
Lãutarul cântã mai bine când îsi cântã lui.
The end of PASSION is the beginning of repentance.
Finea mâniei e începutul credintei.
PATIENCE is a remedy for every grief.
Rãbdarea e cea mai bunã doctorie.
Ca rãbdarea la necaz, nici un leac mai bun.
Var. Patience is a plaster for all sores / Patience is the best remedy.
PATIENCE is a virtue.
Rãbdarea-i din rai.
Rãbdarea e mântuire.
PATIENCE overcomes all things.
Cu rãbdarea treci si marea.
Omul cu rãbdarea, trece chiar si marea.
Sim. Patient men win the day.
From a bad PAYMASTER get what you can.
De la un rãu platnic si cu cenusa dupã vatrã sã te multumesti.
Cf. Of ill DEBTORS men take oats.
He that would live in PEACE and rest, must hear, and see, and say the best.
Cine vrea sã trãiascã în pace aude, vede si tace.
Sã auzi, sã vezi si sã taci, dacã vrei sã petreci cu pace.
Sim. Wide ears and a short tongue / Hear and see and say nothing.
Cf. HEAR much, speak little.
The PEACOCK hath fair feathers, but foul feet.
Pãunul pene frumoase, dar picioare urâte.
When the PEAR is ripe, it falls.
Para dupã ce se coace trebuie sã cadã.
Do not throw PEARLS to swine.
Nu arunca mãrgãritarul înaintea porcilor.
Var. To cast pearls before swine.
* Matthew 7, 6 / Matei 7, 6
Every PEDLAR praises his needles.
Tot tiganul îsi laudã ciocanul.
Tot olarul laudã oala sa.
Let every PEDLAR carry his own burden.
Tot mãgarul îsi poartã samarul.
Var. Let every pedlar carry his own pack.
A PENNY at a pinch is worth a pound.
Când n-ai, cãmila de un ban e scumpã.
A PENNY saved is a penny gained.
Adunã cu firu ca sã ai cu grãmada.
Sim. Sparing is the first gaining.
In for a PENNY, in for a pound.
Unde merge mia, merge si suta.
PENNY and penny laid up will be many.
Bãnut cu bãnut se face florinul.
Din bãnuti se face suta.
Cf. Many DROPS make a shower / MANY small make a great.
PENNY wise and pound foolish.
Scump la tãrâte si ieftin la fãinã.
Sim. Spare at the spigot, and let it out at the bung-hole.
Who will not keep a PENNY, never shall have many.
Cine nu pretuieste filerul nu va numãra nici florinul.
Sim. Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.
He who has plenty of PEPPER will pepper his cabbage.
Cine are piper mult bagã si în terci.
PEPPER is black and hath a good smack.
Si piperu e negru, dar mãnâncã vodã cu el la masã.
Var. Spice is black, but it has a sweet smack.
He that forecasts all PERILS will never sail the sea.
Cui i-e fricã de orice nor nici o cãlãtorie nu face.
Var. He that forecasts all perils will win no worship.
Sim. He that will sail without danger must never come upon the main sea / He that is afraid of wounds must not come nigh a battle / He that fears leaves, let him not go into the wood.
No PHYSICIAN like a true friend.
Nimic alt mai bun pe lume decât un prieten bun.
PHYSICIAN, heal thyself!
Doctore, vindecã-te întâi pe tine.
* Luke 4, 23 / Luca 4, 23
They that be whole need not a PHYSICIAN, but they that are sick.
Nu cei sãnãtosi au nevoie de doctor, ci cei bolnavi.
* Matthew 9, 12 / Matei 9, 12
* Mark 2, 17 / Marcu 2, 17
* Luke 5, 31 / Luca 5, 31
PHYSICIANS’ faults are covered with earth.
Cosciugul acoperã greselile doctorilor.
Sim. If the doctor cures, the sun sees it; but if he kills, the earth hides it.
Never buy a PIG in a poke.
Nu cumpãra pisica în traistã.
We don’t kill a PIG every day.
Nu se mãnâncã în toate zilele plãcinte.
When the PIG is proffered, hold up the poke.
Du-te cu sacul când îti fãgãduie purcelul.
He that will steal a PIN will steal a better thing.
Cine furã azi un ac mâine furã un gânsac.
Cf. He that will steal an EGG will steal an ox.
Give the PIPER a penny to play and two pence to leave off.
Cu un ban s-a prins în horã si cu zece nu poate scãpa.
He who digs a PIT for others falls in himself.
Cine sapã groapa altuia cade el într-însa.
Cf. To make a SNARE for another and fall into it oneself.
* Proverbs 26, 27 / Pilde 26, 27
He that touches PITCH shall be defiled.
Nu poti umbla cu smoalã si sã nu te ungi.
Cine s-atinge de smoalã si nu se mânjeste?
Cu pãcurarul când trãiesti, trebuie sã te mânjesti.
Cf. He that has to do with what is FOUL never comes away clean / He that measures OIL shall anoint his fingers.
* Ecclesiasticus 13, 1 / Sirah 13, 1
The PITCHER goes so often to the well that it is broken at last.
Ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la apã (cãci ori se sparge, ori se crapã).
Whether the PITCHER strikes the stone, or the stone the pitcher, it is bad for the pitcher.
Ori cu capu-n piatrã, ori cu piatra de cap, totuna e.
There is no PLACE like home.
Nicãieri ca la casa omului.
Ca acasã la tine nu-i nicãieri bine.
Sim. East, west, home’s best / Home is home, though it be never so homely.
Cf. An ENGLISHMAN’s home is his castle / One’s own HEARTH is gowd’s worth.
Hand PLAY, churls’ play.
Cu mâna te joci, mojic te arãti.
Glumeste numai cu gura, iar nu si cu-mbrâncitura.
You can’t PLEASE everyone.
Nu poti face pe gustul tuturora.
Sim. It is hard to please all parties / He that all men will please shall never find ease / He who pleased everybody died before he was born / He has need rise betimes that would please everybody.
After PLEASURE comes pain.
Dupã plãcere vine durere.
Sim. After your fling, watch for the sting.
Cf. After JOY comes annoy / No PLEASURE without pain.
No PLEASURE without pain.
Nu e plãcere fãrã durere.
Var. No pleasure without repentance.
Cf. After JOY comes annoy / After PLEASURE comes pain.
Short PLEASURE, long pain.
Plãcerea scurtã, cãintã lungã.
Dupã o scurtã plãcere urmeazã o lungã durere.
Sim. In war, hunting, and love men for one pleasure a thousand griefs prove.
Who will in time present PLEASURE refrain, shall in time to come the more pleasure obtain.
De vrei sã te joci la bãtrânete, pãzeste-te la tinerete.
The PLEASURES of the mighty are the tears of the poor.
Bogatul greseste si sãracul cere iertare.
Vartears of the poor.
He that has PLENTY of good shall have more.
Binele vine la bine precum albinele la cosnitã.
Cf. The MORE you get, the more you want / MUCH would have more.
PLENTY brings pride.
Bogãtia stricã pe omul slab.
PLOUGH deep, while sluggards sleep; and you shall have corn to sell and keep.
Arãtura cu sudoare, desi te doare, dar în urmã veselie are.
The PLOUGH gets not well if the ploughman hold it not.
Cine voieste sã se îmbogãteascã din plug trebuie sã-l poarte de coarne.
Standing POOLS gather filth.
Apa linã face mult noroi, iar cea repede si pietrele le spalã.
A POOR man has no friends.
Sãracul nici frate, nici prieteni n-are.
Sim. Poor folk’s friends soon misken them / Poverty parts fellowship / Prosperity makes freinds, adversity tries them.
Cf. In time of PROSPERITY friends will be plenty; in time of adversity not one amongst twenty.
A POOR man wants some things, a covetous man all things.
Zgârcitul e totdeauna sãrac.
A POOR man’s tale cannot be heard.
Vorba de om sãrac nimeni n-o ascultã, fie cât de scumpã.
Sim. The reasons of the poor weigh not.
Giving much to the POOR doth enrich a man’s store.
Ce dai sãracilor tie-ti dai.
He is not POOR that has little, but he that desires much.
Nu se-ntelege sãrac cel ce are mai putin, ci cel ce nu se multumeste cu putin si râvneste la mai mult.
He that hath pity upon the POOR lendeth unto the Lord.
Cine dã sãracilor împrumutã pe Dumnezeu.
Cel ce miluieste pe sãrac, dã împrumut lui Dumnezeu.
* Proverbs 19, 17 / Pilde 19, 17
POOR folks are glad of porridge.
Omul sãrac dacã n-are colac mãnâncã si pâine.
The POOR man is aye put to the worst.
La omul sãrac nici boii nu trag.
Sãracului nici boii nu-i trag.
The POOR man turns his cake and another comes and takes it away.
Un om macinã, altul face azimã din fãina lui.
Unii tes la pânzã si altii o poartã.
Cf. One beats the BUSH and another catches the birds.
The POOR man’s shilling is but a penny.
Sãracul cumpãrã mai scump.
Every POT has its cover.
Capacul, dupã oalã.
The earthen POT must keep clear of the brass kettle.
Departe oala de cãldare, ca nu cumva lovindu-se, sã se spargã.
* Ecclesiasticus 13, 3 / Sirah 13, 3
POVERTY is no vice but an inconvenience.
Sãrãcia nu-i pãcat.
Sim. Poverty is no sin (crime).
POVERTY is not a shame; but the being ashamed of it is.
Sãrãcia nu-i rusine.
A fi sãrac nu e rusine, ci a fi necinstit.
Sim. Poverty is no disgrace.
POVERTY is the mother of all arts.
Sãrãcia aflã mestesuguri.
Dãscãlita sãrãcie învatã pe om meserie.
Sim. The belly teaches all arts / Hunger is the teacher of all arts.
Cf. NECESSITY is the mother of invention.
When POVERTY comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
Sãrãcia intrã pe usã si dragostea iese pe fereastrã.
Sim. Love lasts as long as money endures.
PRACTICE makes perfect.
Multa lucrare face pe mester bun.
Sim. Use makes mastery.
A man’s PRAISE in his own mouth stinks.
Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine.
Lauda de sine pute.
Cf. He that PRAISES himself spatters himself / SELF-PRAISE is no recommendation.
PRAISE no man till he is dead.
Numai când moare omul se cunoaste ce-a fost.
Omul dupã ce moare, atunci darul i se cunoaste.
Cf. Call no man HAPPY till he dies.
* Ecclesiasticus 11, 28 / Sirah 11, 28
PRAISE to the face is open disgrace.
Lauda în fatã e jumãtate ocarã.
A lãuda în fatã e a batjocori.
He that PRAISES himself spatters himself.
Cine se laudã pe sine, mai tare se înjoseste.
Cine se laudã singur, se ocãrãste pe sine.
Cf. A man’s PRAISE in his own mouth stinks / SELF-PRAISE is no recommendation.
* Proverbs 27, 2 / Pilde 27, 2
He that would learn to PRAY, let him go to sea.
Care nu stie rugãciunea meargã pe mare.
The PRAYERS of the wicked won’t prevail.
Ruga pãcãtosului n-ajunge la cer.
Glasul nebunului nu se aude-n cer.
Cf. The BRAYING of an ass does not reach heaven.
PRETTINESS dies first.
Frumusetea musafir, cum vine asa se duce.
Sim. Beauty is but a blossom.
Cf. BEAUTY fades like a flower.
PRIDE goes before a fall.
Mândria vine înaintea cãderii.
Trufia e trâmbita cãderii.
Sim. Pride never left his master without a fall.
* Proverbs 16, 18 / Pilde 16, 18
PRIDE goes before, and shame follows.
Fudulia intrã-n casã, sãrãcia-i dupã usã.
PROCRASTINATION is the thief of time.
Amânarea e hotul timpului.
PROMISE is debt.
Fãgãduiala datã e datorie curatã.
Cine fãgãduieste se leagã.
Great PROMISES and small performances.
Îi fãgãduieste marea cu sarea, si-i dã ce nu curge pe apã.
Sim. He promises mountains and performs molehills.
He that PROMISES too much means nothing.
Cine promite mult dã putin.
Between PROMISING and performing a man may marry his daughter.
Una e a promite (fãgãdui) si alta a împlini.
A PROPHET is not without honour save in his own country.
Nimeni nu-i profet în patria sa.
Var. A prophet has no honour in his own country.
* Luke 4, 24 / Luca 4, 24
* Matthew 13, 57 / Matei 13, 57
* Mark 6, 4 / Marcu 6, 4
* John 4, 44 / Ioan 4, 44
Beware of false PROPHETS.
Feriti-vã de proorocii mincinosi.
* Matthew 7, 15; 24, 11,24 / Matei 7, 15; 24, 11,24
* Mark 13, 22 / Matei 13, 22
* II Peter 2, 1 / II Petru 2, 1
* I John 4, 1 / I Ioan 4, 1
* Revelation 16, 13 / Apocalipsa 16, 13
He who swells in PROSPERITY will shrink in adversity.
Nu tot pe moale, ca sã poti suferi si cele tari.
In time of PROSPERITY friends will be plenty; in time of adversity not one amongst twenty.
Ai bani, ai prieteni; n-ai bani, n-ai prieteni.
La belsug ai prieteni cu duiumul, la vreme de restriste toti te pãrãsesc.
Pânã-i bine multi cu tine, dar la nevoi înapoi.
Sim. Poverty parts fellowship / Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
Cf. A POOR man has no friends.
PROSPERITY lets go the bridle.
Belsugul aduce desfrânare.
I PROUD and thou proud, who shall bear the ashes out?
Eu domn, tu domn, cine sã ducã sacul?
Tu mare, eu mare, cine-o sã ne tragã cizmele?
Make ample PROVISION for old age.
Adunã la tinerete ca sã ai la bãtrânete.
Seamãnã la tinerete ca sã ai ce culege la bãtrânete.
Sim. Keep something for him that rides on the white horse / Spare when you’re young and spend when you’re old.
Cf. For AGE and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day / Keep SOMETHING for a rainy day.
PROVISION in season makes a rich house.
Agonisirea la vreme înlãturã lipsa si nevoia.
Better some of a PUDDING than none of a pie.
Braga ne rãcoreste în lipsã de înghetatã.
Cf. SOMETHING is better than nothing.
It is easier to PULL DOWN than to build.
E mai usor a strica ca a drege.
To the PURE all things are pure.
Toate sunt curate pentru cei curati.

He that has a full PURSE never wanted a friend.
Banul îsi câstigã prieteni.
Cf. RICH folk have many friends.
You cannot make a silk PURSE of a sow’s ear.
Din coadã de câine sitã de mãtase nu se mai face.
Din coada pisicii sitã de mãtase nu se face.
Sim. You cannot make a horn of a pig’s tail / You cannot make a sieve of an ass’s tail.



1. Like QUESTION, like answer.
Cum e întrebarea, asa e si rãspunsul.

He that nothing QUESTIONS, nothing learns.
Întrebarea trece marea.
Cine întreabã nu greseste.
QUIETNESS is a great treasure.
Tãcerea e ca mierea.
Sim. Quietness is best.
Cf. SILENCE is golden.
1. The RACE is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.
Izbânda în alergare nu este a celor iuti si biruinta a celor viteji.
* Ecclesiastes 9, 11 / Ecclesiastul 9, 11

RAGE is without reason.
Mânia la om nu e bunã.
RAIN before seven; fine before eleven.
Ploaia de dimineatã nu tine mult.
RATS desert a sinking ship.
Când corabia se îneacã, soarecii fug.
Sim. Rats desert a falling house.
He that takes the RAVEN for his guide will light on carrion.
Cine se ia dupã muscã ajunge la bãlegar.
The RECEIVER is as bad as the thief.
Ori furã, ori tine sacul, e tot lotru.
Cine pe altul ajutã sã fure, fur si el se întelege.
Sim. No receiver, no thief.
Short RECKONINGS make long friends.
Socoteala deasã e frãtie aleasã.
Cârnatul lung e bun, dar socoteala lungã nu e bunã.
Var. Even reckoning makes long friends.
Every REED will not make a pipe.
Nu poti face fluier din orice lemn îti place.
Din orice lemn nu se face bucium.
Orice lemn nu face tãpus la bute.
Sim. Every block will not make a Mercury.
Where there are REEDS, there is water.
Unde sunt broaste trebuie sã fie si lac.
The REMEDY may be worse than the disease.
Leacul mai rãu decât rana.
Sim. The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease.
There is a REMEDY for everything but death.
Moartea-i fãrã leac.
Numai moartea-i fãrã leac.
Sim. A deadly disease neither physician nor physic can ease / There is no medicine against death.
There is no REMEDY for fear.
Leac de fricã nu-i.
De fricã nu se descântã.
Who REPAIRS not his gutter repairs his whole house.
Cine nu cârpeste spãrtura micã are necaz sã dreagã borta mare.
Sim. He that repairs not a part builds all / The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch.
Cf. A STITCH in time saves nine.
REPENTANCE comes too late.
Cãinta târzie-i de prisos.
Cãinta de pe urmã vine tot cam cu daunã.
As long as I am RICH reputed, with solemn voice I am saluted.
Omul cel bogat e mai lãudat.
Everyone is akin to the RICH man.
Bogatului i se aratã multe rude.
Cu bogatul fiecare voieste sã fie rudã.
Cf. RICH folk have many friends.
RICH folk have many friends.
Bogatul prieteni destui are.
Cine are bani are prieteni.
Sim. The rich hath many friends.
Cf. He that has a full PURSE never wanted a friend / Everyone is akin to the RICH man.
* Proverbs 14, 20; 19, 4 / Pilde 14, 20; 19, 4
RICH man may dine when he will, the poor man when he may.
Cel bogat mãnâncã când vrea, dar cel sãrac când are.
Bogatul manâncã când voieste si sãracul când gãseste.
RICHES bring care and fears.
Cu cât averea ti se înmulteste, cu atât si griji mai mari te topeste.
De ai turme mari de oi, ai si turme de nevoi.
Sim. Much coin, much care.
RICHES have wings.
Bogãtia face aripi.
* Proverbs 23, 5 / Pilde 23, 4
All RIVERS run into the sea.
Toate râurile curg în mare.
* Ecclesiastes 1, 7 / Ecclesiastul 1, 7
To ROB Peter to pay Paul.
Voieste sã dezbrace un sfânt si sã îmbrace pe altul.
Ia dintr-un sân si bagã-n altul.
Spare the ROD and spoil the child.
Cine nu se îndurã de vargã pierde copilul.
Copilul nepedepsit ajunge neprocopsit.
Sim. The man who has not been flogged is not educated / A pitiful mother makes a scabby daughter.
Cf. Better CHILDREN weep than old men.
* Proverbs 13, 24 / Pilde 13, 24
* Ecclesiasticus 30, 1 / Sirah 30, 1
ROME was not built in a day.
Lumea nu s-a fãcut într-o zi.
When in ROME, do as the Romans do.
Dupã a locului obicei, sã te porti si tu în orice bordei.
Var. When you are at Rome, do as the Romans do.
Sim. When you go through the country of the one-eyed, be one-eyed.
Never mention ROPE in the house of a man who has been hanged.
Nu vorbi de funie în casa spânzuratului.
Var. Name not a rope in his house that hanged himself.
No ROSE without a thorn.
Nu e trandafir fãrã spini.
Nici un trandafir fãrã ghimpi.
The fairest ROSE at last is withered.
Trandafirul cu cât mai frumos, cu atât mai putin tine.
Trandafirii se scuturã, dar spinul rãmâne.
He that fights and RUNS away, may live to fight another day.
Fuga e rusinoasã, dar e sãnãtoasã.
He that RUNS fast will not run long.
Cine se grãbeste curând osteneste.
RUST eats up iron.
Rugina moale roade ferul tare.
Cf. IRON not used soon rusts.



1. An empty SACK cannot stand upright.
Sacul gol nu stã în picioare.
Var. Empty sacks will never stand upright.

SADNESS and gladness succeed each other.
Totdeauna desfãtarea are sorã întristarea.
Sim. After joy comes annoy / / He that sings on Friday will weep on Sunday / Sorrow treads upon the heels of mirth.
Cf. LAUGH before breakfast, you’ll cry before supper.
* Proverbs 14, 13 / Pilde 14, 13
He came SAFE from the East Indies, and was drowned in the Thames.
Tiganul când a ajuns la mal atunci s-a înecat.
Easier SAID than done.
Usor de zis, greu de fãcut.
Lesne a zice, greu a face.
No sooner SAID than done.
Zis si fãcut.
Like SAINT, like offering.
Cum e sfântul asa si tãmâia.
All are not SAINTS that go to church.
Nu tot ce poartã rasã si camilafcã e cãlugar.
Sim. All are not merry that dance lightly.
Cf. All are not HUNTERS that blow the horn.
Do not offer SALT or brains.
Sare, pânã nu cere, sã nu-i dai cuiva.
Var. Help you to salt, help you to sorrow.
SALT seasons all things.
Sarea-i bunã în fierturã, însã nu peste mãsurã.
SAYING and doing are two things.
A zice si a face nu-i totuna.
Cf. SAYING is one thing, and doing another / From WORD to deed is a great space.
SAYING is one thing, and doing another.
A zice e una, a face e alta.
Cf. SAYING and doing are two things / From WORD to deed is a great space.
Who SAYS A must say B.
Cine zice una trebuie sã zicã si douã.
Var. You cannot say A without saying B.
There is a SCORPION under every stone.
Sub piatra cea mai frumoasã, scorpia ascunsã zace.
Sim. Snake in the grass.
SCRATCH where it itches.
Unde nu te mâncã, nu te scãrpina.
Var. I scratch (claw) where it itches not.
Praise the SEA, but keep on land.
Frumos sã privesti furtuna pe mare, dar cam de departe.
Sim. Praise the hill, but keep below.
Everything is good in its SEASON.
Orice lucru este bun la timpul sãu.
Toate îsi au vremea lor.
A SECRET is too little for one, enough for two, too much for three.
Lucrul cunoscut de doi, trei, nu mai rãmâne între ei.
Sim. Three may keep counsel if two be away / Two may keep counsel if one be away.
He that soweth good SEED shall reap good corn.
Sãmânta bunã, bun rod îti dã.
SEEING is believing.
Nici un lucru sã nu crezi, cu ochii pânã nu vezi.
Cf. One EYEWITNESS is better than ten hear-so’s.
* John 20, 29 / Ioan 20, 29
He that SEEKS finds.
Cine cautã gaseste.
Cel ce cautã, va afla.
Sim. The dog that trots finds a bone.
* Matthew 7, 7-8 / Matei 7, 7-8
* Luke 11, 10 / Luca 11, 10
SELF-PRAISE is no recommendation.
Nu-ti lãuda singur faptele, cã îti pierzi rodul.
Cf. A man’s PRAISE in his own mouth stinks / He that PRAISES himself spatters himself.
He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope.
Pe cine l-a muscat câinele se teme si de lãtrãturã.
Sim. Once bitten, twice shy.
Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / A scalded DOG fears cold water / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms.
Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms.
Cine e muscat de sarpe se pãzeste si de sopârlã.
Sim. Once bitten, twice shy.
Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / A scalded DOG fears cold water / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope..
It is good to strike the SERPENT’s head with your enemy’s hand.
A prinde sarpele cu mâna altuia (nebunului).
Cf. Take the CHESTNUTS out of the fire with the cat’s paw.
Be ye therefore wise as SERPENTS, and harmless as doves.
Întelept ca sarpele si curat ca porumbita, pururea sã te arãti!
Fii întelept ca sarpele, muncitor ca albina si doritor ca turturica.
* Matthew 10, 16 / Matei 10, 16
So many SERVANTS, so many enemies.
Câte slugi ai, atâtia dusmani hrãnesti.
He who has not seen SEVILLE has not seen a wonder.
Cel ce nu vede Bucurestii si nu încalecã cal alb, nu stie ce e frumos în lumea asta.
Catch not at the SHADOW and lose the substance.
Cine se razimã de umbrã dã-ndatã peste cap tumbã.
He is afraid of his own SHADOW.
Se sperie de umbra lui, si se uitã-n urma lui.
All that SHAKES falls not.
Trestia care se pleacã vântului, niciodatã nu se frânge.
Cf. Better BEND than break.
He that makes himself a SHEEP shall be eaten by the wolf.
Cine se face oaie îl mãnâncã lupul.
Cf. Make yourself all HONEY and the flies will devour you.
One scabbed SHEEP will mar a whole flock.
Oaia râioasã umple turma toatã.
O vacã râioasã stricã toatã cireada.
The lone SHEEP is in danger of the wolf.
Oaia care rãmâne de turmã o mãnâncã lupul.
Oaia retrasã de turmã, lupii o iau dupã urmã.
Var. The lone man is in danger of the wolf.
There are black SHEEP in every flock.
Nu e pãdure fãrã uscãturi.
Where every hand fleeceth, the SHEEP goes naked.
Oaia s-o tunzi, iar nu s-o razi.
Cf. A good SHEPHERD must fleece his sheep, not flay them.
A good SHEPHERD must fleece his sheep, not flay them.
Pãstorul cel bun, cel ce tunde si nu beleste.
Pãstorul cel bun, cel ce tunde oaia si nu o jupoaie.
Cf. Where every hand fleeceth, the SHEEP goes naked.
A great SHIP asks deep waters.
Pentru corabie mare trebuie apã multã.
If my SHIRT knew my design I’d burn it.
Nu te încrede nici în cãmasa ta.
Cãciula ta, când va afla taina, în foc s-o bagi.
Var. If my skirt knew my design I’d burn it.
Near is my SHIRT, but nearer is my skin.
Mai aproape-i pielea decât cãmasa.
Sim. Near is my doublet (kirtle, petticoat), but nearer is my smock.
Cf. Near is my COAT, but nearer is my shirt.
Every SHOE fits not every foot.
Orice ham nu încape pe orice cal.
Everyone knows best where his own SHOE pinches.
Fiecare stie unde-l strânge ciubota.
Fiecare singur stie unde îl strânge opinca.
Cf. No one but the wearer knows where the SHOE pinches.
No one but the wearer knows where the SHOE pinches.
Nimeni nu stie mai bine unde-l strânge cizma decât cel ce o poartã.
Cf. Everyone knows best where his own SHOE pinches.
None more bare than the SHOEMAKER’s wife and the smith’s mare.
Cizmarul umblã cu ghetele rupte si croitorul cu haina descusutã.
Croitorul umblã rupt si ciubotarul umblã descult.
Cizmarul umblã cu cizmele sparte.
Better wear out SHOES than sheets.
Mai bine sã-ti spargi papucii decât sã-i tii înveliti.
He that waits for dead men’s SHOES may go long enough barefoot.
Cel ce asteaptã sã mosteneascã încãltãrile mortului, umblã toatã viata descult.
Var. It’s ill waiting for dead men’s shoes.
Sim. He pulls with a long rope that waits for another’s death.
Out of SIGHT, out of mind.
Ochii care nu se vãd se uitã.
Sim. Far from eye, far from heart / Seldom seen, soon forgotten / Salt water and absence wash away love.
Cf. Long ABSENT, soon forgotten / What the EYE doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.
The SIGN invites you in, but your money redeem you out.
Pânã a nu intra socoteste cum ai sã iesi.
Cine intrã fãrã tocmealã iese fãrã socotealã.
SILENCE does seldom harm.
Tãcerea nu sparge capul.
Cine tace merge-n pace.
Cf. More have repented SPEECH than silence.
SILENCE is golden.
Tãcerea e de aur.
Cf. QUIETNESS is a great treasure / SPEECH is silver, but silence is golden.
SILENCE is often the best answer.
Nerãspunsul încã e un rãspuns.
De multe ori tãcerea e mai bunã decât rãspunsul.
Cf. SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely / No WISDOM to silence.
SILENCE means consent.
Cine tace primeste.
Var. Silence gives consent.
He that fights with SILVER arms is sure to overcome.
Bate-te cu sãgeti de argint, de voiesti sã biruiesti.
Bate-te cu sulita de argint cã vei birui.
Sabia de aur taie mai tare ca cea de fier.
Every SIN brings its punishment with it.
Tot pãcatul îsi cautã vinovatul.
Sim. As a man sinneth, so is his punishment.
Old SIN makes new shame.
Pãcatul vechi aduce rusine nouã.
SLANDER leaves a score behind it.
Vorba de rãu se duce peste nouã tãri si nouã mãri.
Sim. If the ball does not stick to the wall, it will at least leave a mark.
SLEEP is the brother of death.
Somnul e rupt din moarte.
Somnul cu moartea, frati gemeni s-au nãscut.
Cf. SLEEP is the image of death.
SLEEP is the image of death.
Somnul e oglinda mortii.
Cf. SLEEP is the brother of death.
A SLEEPING man is not hungry.
Cine doarme nu-i e foame.
SLOTH, like rust, consumes faster than labour wears.
Lenea e la om ca si rugina la fier.
The SLOTHFUL man is the beggar’s brother.
Lenesul e frate cu cersetorul.
Cf. IDLENESS is the key to poverty.
SLOW but sure.
Încetul cu încetul, departe ajungi.
Sim. Fair and softly goes far.
Cf. He that GOES softly goes safely / Soft pace GOES far.
No SMOKE without fire.
Nu iese fum fãrã foc.
De unde nu-i foc nici fum nu iese.
Sim. No FIRE, no smoke.
The SMOKE of a man’s own house is better than the fire of another’s.
Decât în tarã strãinã, cu pitã si cu slãninã, mai bine în satul tãu cu mãlaiu cât de rãu.
Three things drive a man out of his house – SMOKE, rain and a scolding wife.
Trei lucruri te scot din casã: fumul, muierea rea si picãtura.
Fumul, femeia rea si picusul te scot din casã.
Trei lucruri nu lasã în pace pe om: vinul, femeia si banul.
Sim. Dicing, drabbing and drinking bring men to destruction / Play, women, and wine undo men laughing.
Cf. GAMING, women and wine, while they laugh, they make men pine.
* Proverbs 10, 26; 19, 13; 27, 15 / Pilde 10, 26; 19, 13; 27, 15
To nourish a SNAKE in one’s bosom.
Creste sarpele în sân, ca mai bine sã te muste.
Cf. Breed up a CROW and he will tear out your eyes.
To make a SNARE for another and fall into it oneself.
Cel care întinde cursã se va prinde în ea.
Cf. He who digs a PIT for others falls in himself.
* Ecclesiasticus 27, 26 / Sirah 27, 26
* Psalms 9, 15; 34, 6-7; 56, 8-9; 140, 9 / Psalmii 9, 15; 34, 6-7; 56, 8-9; 140, 9
What SOBERNESS conceals, drunkenness reveals.
Ce e în inima treazului este în gura beatului.
La betie se spune adevãrul.
Sim. He speaks in his drink what he thought in his drouth.
Keep SOMETHING for a rainy day.
Strânge bani albi pentru zile negre.
Var. Lay up against a rainy day.
Sim. Keep something for him that rides on the white horse / Spare when you’re young and spend when you’re old.
Cf. For AGE and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day / Make ample PROVISION for old age.
SOMETHING is better than nothing.
Mai bine ceva decât nimic.
Mai bine un pic decât nimic.
Sim. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
Cf. Better some of a PUDDING than none of a pie.
Marry your SON when you will, your daughter when you can.
Însoarã când vrei, mãritã când poti.
SORROW for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short.
Sãrace bãrbate, cã asearã murisi si nu te mai putui uita.
Small SORROWS speak; great ones are silent.
Durerile mari sunt mute.
Var. Little griefs are loud, great griefs are silent / Little cares speak, great ones are dumb.
When SORROW is asleep, wake it not.
Când nenorocirea doarme, fereste-te s-o destepti.
As you SOW, so you reap.
Cum sameni, asa culegi.
Cum vei semãna, asa vei si secera.
* Galatians 6, 7 / Galateni 6, 7
SOW thin and mow thin.
Cel ce seamãnã putin, putin si secerã.
Rãu de vei semãna, mai rãu vei secera.
Forbear not SOWING because of birds.
Cine se teme de vrãbii nu seamãnã mãlai.
Cine vrea sã semene mãlai nu se teme de vrãbii.
One SOWS and another reaps.
De multe ori unii samãnã si altii secerã.
Unul macinã, altul mãnâncã.
Sim. Little dogs start the hare, the great get her.
Cf. One beats the BUSH and another catches the birds.
* John 4, 37 / Ioan 4, 37
Better SPARE at brim than at bottom.
Sacul de la gurã se pãstreazã.
Leagã sacu pânã-i rotund, nu când îi dai de fund.
SPARE well and have well.
Cine nu crutã când are va rãbda la lipsã mare.
Of a small SPARK a great fire.
Din scânteia micã se aprinde focul mare.
Adesea scânteia micã face flacãrã mare.
Sim. A little spark kindles a great fire.
Cf. A little FIRE burns up a great deal of corn.
* Ecclesiasticus 11, 32 / Sirah 11, 34
* James 3, 5 / Iacov 3, 5
SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely.
Sau taci sau zi ceva mai bun decât tãcerea.
Mai bine sã taci decât sã vorbesti rãu.
Sim. Be still, and have thy will.
Cf. SILENCE is often the best answer / No WISDOM to silence.
He that SPEAKS sows and he that holds his peace gathers.
Cine vorbeste seamãnã, cine ascultã culege.
He that SPEAKS the thing he should not hears the thing he would not.
Cine vorbeste ce-i place, acela sã audã si ce-l supãrã.
Var. He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like.
More have repented SPEECH than silence.
Mai bine sã-ti parã rãu cã ai tãcut decât cã ai zis.
Niciodatã nu te vei cãi cã ai tãcut.
Cf. SILENCE does seldom harm.
SPEECH is silver, but silence is golden.
Vorba e de argint, tãcerea e de aur.
Cf. SILENCE is golden.
Who more than he is worth doth SPEND, he makes a rope his life to end.
Cine cheltuie peste ce câstigã, n-are-n casã mãmãligã.
In SPENDING lies the advantage.
Cei mai rãi bani sunt cei neîntrebuintati.
Banul ascuns în pãmânt, nici creste nici rodeste.
The SPIRIT is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Duhul este osârduitor, dar trupul neputincios.
Sufletul bucuros este sã intre în rai, numai pãcatele nu-l lasã.
* Matthew 26, 41 / Matei 26, 41
* Mark 14, 38 / Marcu 14, 38
* John 6, 63 / Ioan 6, 63
Who SPITS against the wind, it falls in his face.
Cine scuipã în sus îi cade în obraz.
Cine scuipã împotriva vântului îsi scuipã mustãtile (barba).
Var. Who spits against the heaven, it falls in his face.
Sim. Evil that comes out of thy mouth flieth into thy bosom / Piss not against the wind / Puff not against the wind.
Cf. An ARROW shot upright falls on the shooter’s head.
Throw out a SPRAT to catch a mackerel.
Pestele mare cu îmbucãtura micã se prinde.
Cu râma micã se prinde pestele mare.
Var. Throw out a sprat to catch a salmon (herring, whale) / Bait a sprat to catch a herring.
It is too late to shut the STABLE-DOOR after the horse has bolted.
Dupã ce au furat caii în zadar încui grajdul.
Var. It is too late to shut the stable-door when the steed is stolen.
Cf. When a thing is done, ADVICE comes too late / When the HOUSE is burned down, you bring water / It is easy to be WISE after the event.
It is the first STEP that is difficult.
Începutu-i anevoie, urma vine de la sine.
Sim. The greatest step is that out of doors.
Cf. Every BEGINNING is hard.
STEP after step the ladder is ascended.
Treaptã cu treaptã te urci pe scarã.
It is easy to find a STICK to beat a dog.
Cine vrea sã-si batã câinele, bâtã gãseste.
Sim. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog.
Cf. He that would hang his DOG gives out first that he is mad.
Be STILL, and have thy will.
Cine tace merge-n pace.
A STITCH in time saves nine.
Spãrtura pânã e micã trebuie cârpitã.
Sim. He that repairs not a part, builds all / The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch.
Cf. Who REPAIRS not his gutter, repairs his whole house.
He has two STOMACHS to eat and one to work.
La plãcinte înainte si la rãzboi înapoi.
A little STONE in the way overturns a great wain.
Piatra (Buturuga) micã rãstoarnã carul mare.
Sim. Little strokes fell great oaks.
Cf. A small LEAK will sink a great ship.
A rolling STONE gathers no moss.
Piatra care se rostogoleste din loc în loc nu prinde muschi.
Who remove STONES bruise their fingers.
Cel ce sfãrâmã pietre se poate rãni cu ele.
Cf. He that handles THORNS shall prick his fingers.
* Ecclesiastes 10, 9 / Ecclesiastul 10, 9
Between two STOOLS one falls to the ground.
Cine sade pe douã scaune cade rãu, când cade.
Cine umblã în douã luntri cade în apã.
After a STORM comes a calm.
Dupã furtunã, vine si vreme bunã.
Dupã ploaie asteaptã si senin.
Cf. After black CLOUDS, clear weather.
The sharper the STORM, the sooner it’s over.
De ploaie repede sã nu te sperii.
Cross the STREAM where it is ebbest.
Nu trece gârla dacã nu-i vezi fundul.
Sim. No safe wading in an unknown water.
He STRUCK at Tib, but down fell Tom.
Unde dai si unde crapã.
SUFFER and expect.
Rabdã inimã si taci.
Although the SUN shine, leave not thy cloak at home.
Pe vremea cea mai bunã, ipingeaua sã fie cu tine.
Never let the SUN go down on your anger.
Mânia e bine sã apuie odatã cu soarele.
Soarele sã nu apunã peste mânia voastrã.
Var. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.
* Ephesians 4, 26 / Efeseni 4, 26
The SUN does not shine on both sides of the hedge at once.
Soarele cã e soare si tot nu poate lumina toate vãile.
The SUN shines upon all alike.
Soarele nu rãsare numai pentru un om.
Soarele încãlzeste si pe buni si pe rãi.
* Matthew 5, 45 / Matei 5, 45
There is nothing new under the SUN.
Totu-i nou si totu-i vechi.
Nu este nimic nou sub soare.
Var. Nothing new under the sun.
* Ecclesiastes 1, 9 / Ecclesiastul 1, 9
Where the SUN enters, the doctor does not.
Unde nu intrã soarele intrã boalele.
He that is SURETY for a stranger shall smart for it.
Celui ce se pune chezas pentru un strãin îi merge rãu.
* Proverbs 11, 15 / Pilde 11, 15
One SWALLOW does not make a summer.
Cu o rândunicã nu se face primãvara (vara).
Cf. One FLOWER makes no garland.
He that will SWEAR will lie.
Cine jurã lesne, minte.
SWEEP before your own door.
Mãture fiecare la usa sa.
Sim. If every man would sweep his own doorstep the city would soon be clean.
He deserves not the SWEET that will not taste the sour.
Cine n-a gustat amarul, nu stie ce e zaharul (dulcele).
Sim. He knows best what GOOD is that has endured evil.
No SWEET without some sweat.
Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.
Var. If you won’t work, you shan’t eat.
Sim. No mill, no meal / A horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats.
Cf. No PAINS, no gains / He that will not WORK shall not eat.
He is like a SWINE, he’ll never do good while he lives.
La porc si la scump îi iei folosul dupã moarte.
Porcul tocma dupã ce moare, pe toti saturã de unsoare.
Cf. A COVETOUS man does nothing that he should till he dies.
All they that take the SWORD shall perish with the sword.
Toti cei ce scot sabia, de sabie vor pieri.
Cf. He who lives by the SWORD dies by the sword.
* Matthew 26, 52 / Matei 26, 52
* Revelation 13, 10 / Apocalipsa 13, 10
He who lives by the SWORD dies by the sword.
Cine scoate sabia, de sabie va pieri.
Var. He that strikes with the sword shall be stricken with the scabbard.
Cf. All they that take the SWORD shall perish with the sword.
It is ill putting a SWORD in a madman’s hand.
Nu da sabia în mâna vrãjmasului.
Nu da ciomag cui nu-i esti drag, nici sabia în mâna vrãjmasului.
Var. Do not put a sword into your enemy’s hands / It is ill putting a sword in a child’s hand.
They shall beat their SWORDS into ploughshares.
Preface-vor sãbiile în fiare de pluguri si lãncile lor în cosoare.



1. Who depends upon another man’s TABLE often dines late.
Rãu te hrãnesti cu mâncarea în traista altuia.
Cine tine pâinea în sânul altuia de multe ori rabdã de foame.
Sim. He that waits upon another’s trencher makes many a little dinner.
Cf. He that is fed at another’s HAND may stay long ere he be full.

One “TAKE IT” is more worth than two “Thou shalt have it”.
Mai bine o datã: na! decât tot: stai cã ti-oi da!
Decât doi ti-oi da, mai bine un na.
Sim. Better to have than wish / One today is worth two tomorrows.
Always TAKING OUT of the meal-tub, and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom.
De unde tot iei si nu pui, curând se isprãveste.
Sacul din care tot iei si nu mai pui se goleste.
A great TALKER is a great liar.
Vorba multã nu e fãrã minciuni.
Var. Great talkers are great liars.
* Proverbs 10, 19 / Pilde 10, 19
The greatest TALKERS are the least doers.
Cine spune mult face putin.
Var. They brag most that can do least.
Sim. Much bruit and little fruit / Great boast and little roast / Much cry and little wool.
Cf. Great BRAGGERS, little doers / A long TONGUE is a sign of a short hand.
Every man to his TASTE.
Fiecare cu gustul lui.
Sim. Everyone as they like best / Tastes differ.
Cf. There is no ACCOUNTING for tastes.
TEACHING others teacheth yourself.
Când înveti pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti.
Învãtînd pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti.
Var. One learns in teaching.
A THIEF knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.
Hot pe hot cunoaste.
A THIEF passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.
Hotul nedovedit e negustor cinstit.
Once a THIEF, always a thief.
Cine furã o datã e fur totdeauna.
Sim. Once a knave, and ever a knave / He that has done ill once will do it again.
Save a THIEF from the gallows and he will help to hang you.
Pe cel ce nu-l lasi sã moarã, acela te omoarã.
Pe cine nu-l lasi sã moarã, nu te lasã sã trãiesti.
Scapã-l din foc, ca sã te bage în foc.
Var. Save a thief from the gallows and he will hate you.
Sim. Save a stranger from the sea, and he’ll turn your enemy.
Cf. Let an ill MAN lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy heir.
The THIEF does fear each bush an officer.
Omul nedrept se teme de toti.
Fricosu se sperie de umbra sa.
Sim. A guilty CONSCIENCE feels continual fear.
Little THIEVES are hanged, but great ones escape.
Tâlharul cel mic se spânzurã si cel mare scapã.
Var. Petty thieves are hanged, the great ones go free.
Sim. Laws catch flies but let hornets go free.
Good THINGS come to some when they are asleep.
La omul cu noroc fierbe oala fãrã foc.
Dacã are omul noroc, mãcar sã samene si cãrbuni si tot se face.
Cf. Whom GOD loves, his bitch brings forth pigs.
The best THINGS come in small packages.
În butilce mici, vinul cel mai bun.
Var. Good things are wrapped up in small parcels.
First THINK, and then speak.
Gândeste întâi, apoi vorbeste.
Cugetã bine înainte de a vorbi.
Var. Think first and speak afterwards.
Cf. Think on the END before you begin.
He that sows THISTLES shall reap prickles.
Cine seamãnã spini, spini culege.
Men cut large THONGS of other men’s leather.
Din pielea altuia se fac curele lungi.
Sim. All men are free of other men’s goods / Men are very generous with what costs them nothing / To cut large shives of another’s loaf.
He that goes barefoot must not plant THORNS.
Printre spini trebuie sã umbli încãltat.
He that handles THORNS shall prick his fingers.
Cine culege trandafiri, trebuie sã se-nghimpe.
Cf. Who remove STONES bruise their fingers.
THOUGHT is free.
Pentru cugete nu ia nime vamã.
Var. Thoughts be free from toll.
Second THOUGHTS are best.
Dã-mi, Doamne, mintea românului cea de pe urmã.
Cf. It is easy to be WISE after the event.
The THREAD breaks where it is weakest.
Unde e ata mai subtire, acolo se rupe.
Cf. The CHAIN is no stronger than its weakest link.
Knotty TIMBER must have sharp wedges.
La lemnul tare trebuie secure ascutitã.
Sim. A crabbed knot must have a crabbed wedge.
He that has TIME and looks for time, loses time.
Cine cautã vreme pierde vremea.
Cine are vreme sã n-o piarzã.
There is a TIME for everything.
Tot lucrul la vremea lui.
Toate îsi au vremea lor.
Sim. Everything has its time.
* Ecclesiastes 3, 1 / Ecclesiastul 3, 1
There is a TIME to be born, and a time to die.
Vreme este sã te nasti si vreme sã mori.
* Ecclesiastes 3, 2 / Ecclesiastul 3, 2
There is a TIME to love, and a time to hate.
Vreme este sã iubesti si vreme sã urãsti.
* Ecclesiastes 3, 8 / Ecclesiastul 3, 8
There is a TIME to speak, and a time to be silent.
Vreme este sã taci si vreme sã grãiesti.
* Ecclesiastes 3, 7 / Ecclesiastul 3, 7
There is a TIME to weep, and a time to laugh.
Vreme e a râde, vreme e a plânge.
* Ecclesiastes 3, 4 / Ecclesiastul 3, 4
TIME and straw make medlars ripe.
Cu rãbdare si cu tãcere se face agurida miere.
Încetul cu încetul se face otetul.
Cf. With TIME and art the leaf of the mulberry-tree becomes satin.
TIME, as he grows old, teaches many lessons.
Vremea este cel mai bun învãtãtor.
Var. Time shall teach thee all things.
TIME cures all things.
Vremea vindecã toate.
Sim. Time is a great healer.
TIME devours all things.
Vremea toate le gãseste si toate le topeste.
Timpul face si desface.
TIME discloses all things.
Timpul descoperã toate.
Sim. Time will tell.
* Matthew 10, 26 / Matei 10, 26
* Mark 4, 22 / Marcu 4, 22
TIME flies.
Vremea vine, vremea trece.
Vremea anevoie vine si fuge numaidecât.
Var. Time flees away without delay / Time has wings.
TIME is a file that wears and makes no noise.
Timpul are dinti de otel.
TIME is money.
Timpul e bani.
TIME lost cannot be won again.
Timpul pierdut nu se mai întoarce.
Sim. An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.
TIME tries truth.
Vremea descoperã adevãrul.
Sim. Time is the father of truth / Truth is time’s daughter.
TIME works wonders.
Timpul îndreaptã toate.
With TIME and art the leaf of the mulberry-tree becomes satin.
Cu vreme si cu rãbdare si frunza de dud se face mãtase.
Cf. TIME and straw make medlars ripe.
Other TIMES, other manners.
Altã fãinã se macinã acum la moarã.
TIMES change and we with them.
Cu timpul toate se schimbã.
Here TODAY and gone tomorrow.
Astãzi esti, mâine nu esti.
Azi pe pãmânt, mâine în mormânt.
Var. Today gold, tomorrow dust.
Sim. Today a man, tomorrow none.
I TODAY, you tomorrow.
Azi mie, mâine tie.
* Ecclesiasticus 38, 22 / Sirah 38, 24
Stuff TODAY and starve tomorrow.
Astãzi când are parale mãnâncã zaharicale; când se cautã mâine, n-are cu ce sã-si ia pâine.
Azi are, saturã zece, si mâine flãmând petrece.
Azi întinde pân-o rupe, mâine n-are s-o astupe.
Never put off till TOMORROW what you can do today.
Nu lãsa pe mâine ce poti face astãzi.
Sim. Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.
Ye know not what shall be on the TOMORROW.
Nu stiti ce se va întâmpla mâine.
* James 4, 14 / Iacov 4, 14
A honey TONGUE, a heart of gall.
Dulce la limbã, amar la inimã.
În buze miere si-n inimã fiere.
Sim. He has honey in the mouth and the razor at the girdle.
A long TONGUE is a sign of a short hand.
Bun de gurã, rãu de lucru (mânã).
Var. They brag most that can do least.
Sim. Much bruit and little fruit / Great boast and little roast / Much cry and little wool.
Cf. Great BRAGGERS, little doers / The greatest TALKERS are the least doers.
The lame TONGUE gets nothing.
Omul cu rusine piere, nimeni nu-i dã pân nu-i cere.
Sim. He that cannot ask, cannot live / Dumb men get no land.
The TONGUE ever turns to the aching tooth.
Limba izbeste în dintele ce te doare.
La mãseaua care te doare te loveste limba mai des.
The TONGUE talks at the head’s cost.
Cine-si pãzeste limba îsi pãzeste capul.
Gura de multe ori capul jos l-aruncã.
Sim. A fool’s tongue is long enough to cut his own throat.
* Proverbs 13, 3; 21, 23 / Pilde 13, 3; 21, 23
TONGUE breaks bone and herself has none.
Limba oase n-are, dar oase sfãrâmã.
Limba oase n-are, dar unde-atinge doare.
Var. The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.
* Proverbs 25, 15 / Pilde 25, 15
* Ecclesiasticus 28, 18 / Ecclesiasticus 28, 18
Foolish TONGUES talk by the dozen.
Limba nebunului este o moarã fãrã grãunte.
You can have TOO MUCH of a good thing.
Ce-i prea mult nu-i sãnãtos.
Ce-i prea mult stricã.
Sim. More than enough is too much / Too much breaks the bag.
Cf. COVETOUSNESS breaks the bag .
An handful of TRADE is an handful of gold.
Meseria e brãtarã de aur.
He that learns a TRADE has a purchase made.
Omul cu mestesug nu piere.
Cine are o meserie are o mosie.
TRADE is the mother of money.
Cu mestesugul nu mori de foame.
Mestesugarul e totdeauna cu banul în mânã.
Sim. A trade is better than service.
Two of a TRADE seldom agree.
Cei de-o meserie stau în gâlcevie.
Sim. The herringman hates the fisherman.
A man of many TRADES begs his bread on Sunday.
Douãsprezece meserii, treisprezece sãrãcii.
Celui cu meserii multe, casa-i este fãrã curte.
Cf. Jack of all TRADES, and master of none.
Jack of all TRADES and master of none.
Multe stie, multe croieste si nici una nu isprãveste.
Cf. A man of many TRADES begs his bread on Sunday.
A TRAVELLER may lie with authority.
Cel din tarã strãinã poate spune câte-i va plãcea.
Sim. Old men (soldiers) and travellers may lie by authority / Long ways, long lies.
He that TRAVELS far knows much.
Nu cine trãieste mult stie multe, ci cine umblã mult stie multe.
* Ecclesiasticus 34, 10 / Sirah 34, 10
TREACHERY will come home to the traitor.
Cine pe altul cautã sã însele el mai întâi se însealã.
Cine vrea sã însele se însealã.
Where your TREASURE is, there will your heart be also.
Unde este comoara voastrã, acolo este si inima voastrã.
Unde este comoara ta, acolo va fi si inima ta.
* Matthew 6, 21 / Matei 6, 21
Lay not up for yourselves TREASURES upon earth.
Nu vã adunati comori pe pamânt.
* Matthew 6, 19 / Matei 6, 19
A good TREE cannot bring forth evil fruit.
Nu poate pom bun sã facã roade rele.
* Matthew 7, 18 / Matei 7, 18
Sim. Good fruit of a good tree.
A TREE is known by its fruit.
Pomul dupã roade se cunoaste.
Copacul dupã fruct se cunoaste.
* Matthew 7, 19; 12, 33 / Matei 7, 19; 12, 33
In the place where the TREE falleth, there it shall be.
Copacul unde a cãzut, acolo rãmâne.
Var. As a tree falls, so shall it lie.
* Ecclesiastes 11, 3 / Ecclesiastul 11, 3
It is only at the TREE loaded with fruit that people throw stones.
La copacul fãrã poame nimenea nu aruncã piatra.
Like TREE, like fruit.
Cum e pomul si rodul.
Pomul din rodul lui se cunoaste, de e bun sau de e rãu.
The highest TREE hath the greatest fall.
Arborele mare cade tare.
Sim. The post of honour is the post of danger.
When the TREE is fallen every one runs to it with his axe.
La copacul cãzut toti aleargã sã taie crengi.
Copacul când cade jos, toti cu topoarele pe el se pun.
He that seeks TROUBLE, never misses.
Cine cautã ceartã gãseste bãtaie.
Cine cautã pe dracu întotdeauna îl gãseste.
Sim. Harm watch, harm catch.
In TRUST is treason.
Cine mult se încrede în altii adeseori se si însealã.
Sim. Quick believers need broad shoulders / Distrust is the mother of safety / Trust is the mother of deceit / He who trusteth not is not deceived.
Put not your TRUST in princes.
Nu vã încredeti în cei puternici.
* Psalms 146, 3 / Psalmii 146, 3
Face to face, the TRUTH comes out.
Adevãrul este cum te vãd si cum mã vezi.
Nothing hurts like the TRUTH.
Adevãrul supãrã pe om.
There is TRUTH in wine.
Arama omului la betie se aratã.
Var. In wine there is truth.
TRUTH and oil are ever above.
Adevãrul iese ca untdelemnul la suprafatã.
Cf. TRUTH is mighty and will prevail / TRUTH will out.
TRUTH finds foes, where it makes none.
Adevãrul a spune, vrãjmasi dobândesti.
Gura aduce ura.
TRUTH has a scratched face.
Adevãrul umblã cu capul spart.
Sim. Follow not truth too near the heels, lest it dash out thy teeth.
TRUTH is mighty and will prevail.
Adevãrul decât toate mai tare este.
Cf. TRUTH and oil are ever above / TRUTH will out.
TRUTH may be blamed, but cannot be shamed.
Dreptatea niciodatã nu piere.
TRUTH needs not many words.
Adevãrul într-un cuvânt, iar minciuna în mii si sute.
Sim. In many words the truth goes by.
TRUTH will out.
Adevãrul pe la sfârsit pururea se cunoaste.
Cf. TRUTH and oil are ever above / TRUTH is mighty and will prevail.
All TRUTHS are not to be told.
Orice adevãr nu e bun de spus.
The more you stir a TURD, the worse it stinks.
Scârna, de ce o scormonesti mai mult, mai mult si pute.
One good TURN deserves another.
Binele cu bine se rãsplãteste.
Cf. A good DEED is never lost / DO well and have well.
One ill TURN deserves (asks, requires) another.
Rãu cu rãu se vindecã.
Rãu faci, rãu gãsesti.
Rãul cu rãu se goneste.
Best to bend while it is a TWIG.
Pomul se-ndrepteazã de mic, nu de mare.
Îndoaie teiul pânã e tânãr.
No man cand do TWO things at once.
A juca la douã nunti nu se poate.
Nu poti tine doi pepeni într-o mânã.
TWO bigs will not go in one bag.
Douã mâte în sac nu încap.
TWO sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement.
Doi insi pe-o sfoarã anevoie pot juca.



1. Better UNBORN than untaught.
Nu e orfan cel fãrã tatã si mamã, ci cel fãrã învãtãturã.

UNION is strength.
În unire stã tãria.
Când sunt doi puterea creste.
Var. In union (concord) is strength.
Sim. United we stand, divided we fall.
1. VANITY of vanities, all is vanity.
Desertãciunea desertãciunilor, toate sunt desertãciuni!

The noblest VENGEANCE is to forgive.
Iertarea e rãzbunarea cea mai bunã.
Sim. Pardons and pleasantness are great revenges of slanders.
Empty VESSELS make the greatest sound.
Butia goalã sunã mai tare.
Butile goale mai mult zgomot fac.
Var. Empty vessels make the most sound.
The VINE brings forth three grapes: the first of pleasure, the second of drunkenness, the third of sorrow.
La buciumul vitei trei vlãstari cresc: unul al sãnãtãtii, altul al veseliei si altul al turbãrii.
Make a VIRTUE of necessity.
A face haz de necaz.
Face voie de nevoie si haz de necaz.
Sim. To make the best of a bad job.
VIRTUE is a jewel of great price.
Omenia-i mai scumpã ca avutia.
VIRTUE is its own reward.
Omenia omenie cere, si cinstea cinste.
The VOICE of the people, the voice of God.
Vocea poporului, vocea cerului.
* Daniel 10, 6 / Daniel 10, 6

1. All things come to those who WAIT.
Cine poate astepta are tot ce vrea.
Var. Everything comes to him who waits.

A white WALL is a fool’s paper.
Zidul alb e hârtia nebunilor.
WALLS have ears.
Zidurile au urechi.
Peretii au urechi si ferestrele ochi.
Cf. FIELDS have eyes, and woods have ears.
WAR is death’s feast.
Rãzboiul, lup nesãtios.
Good WARE makes quick markets.
Marfa sã fie bunã, musterii nu lipsesc.
Vaca bunã se vinde din staul.
Good WATCH prevents misfortune.
Paza bunã trece primejdia rea.
Dirty WATER will quench fire.
Apa cât de tulbure, tot stinge focul.
Toatã apa stinge focul.

Foul WATER as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
La vreme de nevoie si cu lãturi poti stinge cel mai mare foc.
WATER afar off quenches not fire.
Apa depãrtatã nu stinge focul.
We never know the worth of WATER till the well is dry.
Când seacã apa se cunoaste pretul fântânii.
Var. You never miss the water till the well runs dry.
Cf. The COW knows not what her tail is worth till she hath lost it / A GOOD thing lost is a good thing valued.
Still WATERS run deep.
Apele line sunt adânci.
Ca apa linã, nici o primejdie mai rea.
Sim. Take heed of still waters, the quick pass away.
Stolen WATERS are sweet.
Apa furatã e mai plãcutã.
Var. Stolen pleasures are sweet.
Cf. Forbidden FRUIT is sweet.

The longest WAY round is the shortest way home.
Cine înconjoarã ajunge mai curând.
The greatest WEALTH is contentment with a little.
Fericit acela care se multumeste cu putin.
Sim. He hath enough who is contented with little / Content is more than a kingdom / He is rich enough that wants nothing.
In fair WEATHER prepare for foul.
Omul cuminte îsi cumpãrã vara sanie si iarna car.
Ill WEEDS grow apace.
Buruiana rea creste curând.
Bãlãria creste repede.
Ill WEEDS wax well.
Iarba rea nu piere.
All’s WELL that ends well.
Finea bunã, toate bune.
Never be weary of WELL doing.
Sã nu încetãm de a face binele.
* Galatians 6, 9 / Galateni 6, 9
The worst WHEEL of a cart creaks most.
Roata cea mai proastã, aceea mai rãu scârtîie.
Roata stricatã face zgomot mai mare.
Var. The worst wheel of a cart makes most noise.
He who greases his WHEELS helps his oxen.
Unge osia ca sã nu scârtîie carul.
Unge rotile dacã vrei sã meargã carul.
Every WHITE hath its black, and every sweet its sour.
Nu e miere fãrã fiere.
Every WHY has its wherefore.
Toatã întrebarea are si un rãspuns.
A fair WIFE and a frontier castle breed quarrels.
Femeia frumoasã este pagubã la casã.
Nevasta frumoasã e belea în casã.
A good WIFE’s a goodly prize, saith Solomon the wise.
Femeia cinstitã e coroana bãrbatului.
Nevasta cu mintea bunã e bãrbatului cununã.
Femeia bunã e plug de aur în casa omului.

Refuse a WIFE with one fault, and take one with two.
Cine cautã nevastã fãrã cusur neînsurat rãmâne.
The cunning WIFE makes her husband her apron.
Vai de casa unde bãrbatul e muere.
He that WILL not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.
Cine nu face când poate, nu face când vrea.
Where there’s a WILL, there’s a way.
Voieste si vei putea.
Dacã vrei, poti.
Sim. A wilful man will have his way.
Cf. Nothing is impossible to a willing HEART.
Where your WILL is ready, your feet are light.
Vointa inimii dã aripi picioarelor.
Inima voioasã, picioare agere.
Blow the WIND never so fast, it will fall at last.
Ploaia care vine cu putere mare nu dureazã mult.
Ploaia mãrunticã multã vreme tine, iar cea repede, cum vine, asa se duce.
Come with the WIND, go with the water.
Din vânt a venit, în vânt s-a dus.
Vântul aduce, vântul duce.
Sim. Light come, light go.
Cf. EASY come, easy go / LIGHTLY gained, quickly lost.
They that sow the WIND shall reap the whirlwind.
Cine seamãnã vânt culege furtunã.

Good WINE needs no bush.
Vinul bun de sine se laudã.
The best WINE is that a body drinks of another man’s cost.
Cine bea în datorie se îmbatã îndoit.
When the WINE is in, the wit is out.
Vinul îl bei de bun si el te face nebun.
WINE is a turncoat.
Prieteni ai mesei, iar nu ai nevoii.
Var. Wine is a turncoat, first a friend, then an enemy.
WINE makes glad the heart of man.
Vinul veseleste inima omului.

He covers me with his WINGS, and bites me with his bill.
Cu lingura îti dã dulceatã si cu coada îti scoate ochii.
În ochi cu gura te linge, în dos cu acu te-mpunge.
Pe din fatã te linge, pe din dos te frige.
A fair day in WINTER is the mother of a storm.
La vremea cea caldã din mijlocul iernii sã nu te-ncrezi.
Learn WISDOM by the follies of others.
Din nebunia strãinã sã inveti minte.
No WISDOM to silence.
Cine tace, acela e mai întelept.
Cf. SILENCE is often the best answer / SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely / A WISE head makes a close mouth.

WISDOM is better than strength.
Mai bunã este întelepciunea decât puterea.

A WISE head makes a close mouth.
Înteleptul tace si face.
Cf. SILENCE is often the best answer / SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely / No WISDOM to silence.
He is WISE that is rich.
Omul bogat este întelept în ochii lui.

It is easy to be WISE after the event.
Dupã ce s-a întâmplat ceva, atunci fiece babã poate proroci.
Dupã bãtãlie multi viteji se aratã.
Cf. When a thing is done, ADVICE comes too late / When the HOUSE is burned down, you bring water / It is too late to shut the STABLE-DOOR after the horse has bolted.
No man is WISE at all times.
Chiar si înteleptii smintesc câteodatã.
Cf. Every man is a FOOL sometimes and none at all times / Every man is MAD on some point.
WISE men have their mouth in their heart, fools their heart in their mouth.
Inima înteleptului e în limbã si a nebunului în gurã.
Inima nebunului este în gura lui, iar gura înteleptului este în inima lui.
* Ecclesiasticus 21, 26 / Sirah 21, 28
WISE men learn by other men’s harms; fools, by their own.
Înteleptul învatã din pãtania altora, nesocotitul nici din a sa.
Sim. It is good to beware by other men’s harms / It is good to learn at other men’s cost / He is happy whom other men’s perils make wary.
Cf. LEARN wisdom by the follies of others.
A WOLF in sheep’s clothing.
Lup îmbrãcat în piele de oaie.

It never troubles a WOLF how many the sheep be.
Lupul nu cautã cã oile sunt numãrate.
Lupul duce mielul si însemnat.
Talk of the WOLF, and his tail appears.
Vorbesti de lup si lupul la usã.
De lup când se grãieste, coada i se iveste.
Cf. Talk of the DEVIL, and he is bound to appear.
The WOLF may lose his teeth, but never his nature.
Lupul îsi schimbã pãrul, dar nãravul ba.
Lupul îsi pierde mãselele, dar nu obiceiurile.
Cf. The FOX may grow grey, but never good.
The WOLF preys farthest from his home.
Lupul nu mãnâncã niciodatã la gaurã.
Lupul împrejurul lui nu stricã.
Sim. The fox preys farthest from his home (den).
To set the WOLF to keep the sheep.
Nu da oaia în paza lupului.
Pune lupul pãzitor la oi.
Var. You give the wolf the wether to keep.
Sim. He sets the FOX to keep his geese.

Who keeps company with the WOLF will learn to howl.
Cine se bagã între lupi trebuie sã urle.
Var. One must howl with the wolves.
A bad WOMAN is worse than a bad man.
Cea mai bunã muiere, ca cel mai rãu bãrbat.
A fair WOMAN without virtue is like palled wine.
Frumusetea fãrã întelepciune este ca o floare în tinã.
A WOMAN, a dog, and a walnut tree, the more you beat them the better they be.
Femeia nebãtutã e ca moara neferecatã.
Cu calul si cu nevasta nebãtutã nu faci nici pe dracul.
Muierea e ca coasa, dacã n-o bati, nu ascultã.
Var. A spaniel, a woman, and a walnut-tree, the more they’re beaten the better they be.
Dally not with WOMEN or money.
Cu femeile si copiii sã nu glumesti.
Never choose your WOMEN or your linen by candlelight.
Nici pânzã nici muiere sã nu alegi la lumânare.
Pânzã si nevastã noaptea sã nu-ti alegi.
Var. Choose neither a woman nor linen by the candle-light.
Three WOMEN and a goose make a market.
Când trei femei se întâlnesc, mai mult decât o sutã de gâste gârâlesc.
Douã muieri si o gâscã fac târgul cucului.
Femeile, când se adunã, parcã-s gâstele la pârâu.
Sim. Many women, many words; many geese, many turds / Where there are women and geese, there wants no noise.
When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom in WOMEN.
Când mãrãcinii vor scoate rodii, atunci si muierile cuvinte de ispravã.
WOMEN are as changeable as the wind.
Nimic mai schimbãcios ca vremea si ca muierile.
Var. Women are as wavering as the wind.
Sim. A woman is a weathercock / A woman’s mind and winter wind change oft.
WOMEN are the devil’s nets.
Femeia e calul (scula, sora) dracului.
He cannot see the WOOD for the trees.
Nu vede pãdurea din cauza copacilor.
Var. You cannot see the wood for the trees.
Sim. You cannot see the city for the houses.
Like WOOD, like arrow.
Dupã arc, si sãgeata.
Better give the WOOL than the sheep.
Mai bine lâna s-o dai decât oaia s-o pierzi.
A WORD and a stone let go cannot be called back.
Vorba ce zboarã odatã nu se mai întoarce.
Vorba dac-o scapi din gurã n-o mai poti prinde.
Sim. A word spoken is past recalling / Words have wings and cannot be recalled.
A WORD to a wise man is enough.
O singurã vorbã e de ajuns celui ce va sã te înteleagã.
Sim. Half a word is enough for a wise man.
Cf. Few WORDS to the wise suffice.
An honest man’s WORD is as good as his bond.
Vorba unui om cinstit face mai mult ca un înscris.
De la omul cinstit e destul un cuvânt.
From WORD to deed is a great space.
De la zisã pân-la faptã, tot mai este o bucatã.
De la vorbã pânã la faptã, ca de la pãmânt la cer.
Cf. SAYING and doing are two things / SAYING is one thing, and doing another.
Many a true WORD is spoken in jest.
Adevãrul se spune glumind.
Multe adevãruri se spun în glumã.
Fair (Soft) WORDS break no bones.
Vorba dulce oase frânge.
Fair WORDS fill not the belly.
Vorbele nu potolesc foamea.
Cf. Good WORDS fill not a sack.
Fair WORDS hurt not the mouth.
De vorba bunã nu te doare gura.
Cf. Fair WORDS break no bones.
Few WORDS to the wise suffice.
De putine vorbe înteleptul întelege, iar cel nebun nici când urechile i le spargi.
Cf. A WORD to a wise man is enough.
Fine WORDS butter no parsnips.
Oala nu se umple cu vorbe.
Good WORDS anoint us, and ill do unjoint us.
Cuvântul bun unge si cel rãu împunge.
Good WORDS cool more than cold water.
O vorbã bunã stinge focul mai curând decât o bute de apã.
Cf. A soft ANSWER turneth away wrath.
Good WORDS fill not a sack.
Vorba goalã nu umple sacul.
Cf. Fair WORDS fill not the belly / Many WORDS will not fill a bushel.
Kind WORDS go a long way.
Cu vorbe dulci mai multã pâine mãnânci.
Cu vorba bunã si pe dracul îmblânzesti.
Sim. A man’s hat in his hand, never did him any harm.
Cf. LIP-HONOUR costs little, yet may bring in much.
Many WORDS will not fill a bushel.
Nu multimea cuvintelor umple dimerlia.
Cf. Good WORDS fill not a sack.
WORDS and feathers the wind carries away.
Gura zice, vântul duce.
Sim. Words are but wind / Words fly, writings remain.
WORDS cut more than swords.
O vorbã rea rãneste mai mult decât o sabie ascutitã.
Limba taie mai rãu ca sabia.

After the WORK is done, repose is sweet.
Dupã lucru e bun repausul.
Dupã muncã, odihna plãcere dulce ne aduce.
As the WORK, so the pay.
Cum ti-e lucru, asa ti-e plata.
Cum muncesti, asa ti se plãteste.

He that will not WORK shall not eat.
Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.
Var. If you won’t work, you shan’t eat.
Sim. No mill, no meal / A horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats.
Cf. No PAINS, no gains / No SWEET without some sweat.
* II Thessalonians / II Tesaloniceni 3, 10
The WORK shows the workman.
Lucrul laudã pe mester.
La treabã se vede omul ce poate.
Cf. The WORKMAN is known by his work.
WORK today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.
Ce poti lucra astãzi nu lãsa pe mâine.
A bad WORKMAN quarrels with his tools.
Vizitiul prost bate calul bun.
The WORKMAN is known by his work.
Mesterul se cunoaste la lucru.
La treabã se vede omul ce poate.
Cf. The WORK shows the workman.
The WORLD is a ladder for some to go up and some down.
Asa e roata lumii, unii suie, altii coboarã.
Lumea e ca un put cu douã ciuturi; când se urcã cea plinã, se coboarã cea desartã.
Sim. Thus fareth the world, that one goeth up and another goeth down / In the world, who knows not to swim goes to the bottom.
Even a WORM will turn.
Si râma, când o calci, ridicã capul sã te muste.
Var. Tread on a worm and it will turn.
Cf. The FLY has her spleen and the ant her gall.
It is not wise to open old WOUNDS.
Rana, dacã se deschide, anevoie se închide.
Rana veche usor sângereazã.
1. It will be all the same a hundred YEARS hence.
Apa trage la matcã si omul la teapã.
Var. It will be all one a thousand years hence.

YEARS know more than books.
Ca vremea nici un dascãl mai bun.
Better be the head of the YEOMANRY than the tail of the gentry.
Mai bine tãran în picioare decât boier în genunchi.
YESTERDAY will not be called again.
Toate sunt trecãtoare ca ziua de ieri.
If the YOUNG man would and the old man could, there would be nothing undone.
Dã-mi, Doamne, puterea tânãrului si mintea bãtrânului.
If you lie upon roses when YOUNG, you’ll lie upon thorns when old.
Cine la tinerete e lenes suferã la bãtrânete.
Cf. An idle YOUTH, a needy age.
What’s YOURS is mine, and what’s mine is my own.
Ce-i al tãu e si al meu, tu la mine parte n-ai.

An idle YOUTH, a needy age.
La tinerete cine nu lucreazã, la bãtrânete râiazã.
Cine n-aleargã la tinerete nu odihneste la bãtrânete.
Var. A young courtier, an old beggar.
Cf. If you lay upon roses when YOUNG, you’ll lie upon thorns when old.

Eident* YOUTH makes easy age.
Cine învatã la tinerete se odihneste la bãtrânete.
Cine munceste la tinerete o sã aibã la bãtrânete.
What YOUTH is used to, age remembers.
Deprinderea din tinerete rãmâne si la bãtrânete.
Sim. Whoso learneth young forgets not when he is old.
Cf. What we first LEARN, we best know.

YOUTH will have its course.
Tineretele, vremea nebuniilor.
Omul la tinerete ca calul fãrã frâu.